Marina Ahmad’s performance is comming to Japan again in November.
As a vocalist of North Indian music and a singer of sufi poetry, her deep devotional singing voice is most characteristic and outstanding point. It can be said to be a prayer that directly affects to the soul.
She sings the Sufi poetry in North Indian traditional Raga music.
If you express in a single word what is the big theme of Sufi poetry, “Divine Love” is surely coming at first.
In addition, as a special guest, we are having Yusuke Tominaga, a singer-songwriter who has a established reputation as a outstanding singer.
Finally we are collaborating for the first time after been a year of musical exchange since Marina Ahmad and Tominaga met each other last year.
In Shinsho-in performances, “Devine Love” is the main theme.
When you realize this deep message in the music, you may also remember “Matsuhime-sama” who established this temple “Shinsho-in”. The story of her life was really devoted and telling Devine Love..
Music is invisible, but you can feel it more than you see it. When the right sound is played at the right place, the music is transmitted with amazing power.
*非営利音楽団体 Udgam NPO music Group
Udgam NPO Music Groupは、マリナアーマッド自身の声楽家としての様々な体験を基に、2008年に創立された非営利音楽団体。
Udgmaは、ニューヨーク州ウエスト・チェスター地域を拠点に、伝統的なBaithak Styleに従ったハウスコンサート開催し、インド音楽の普及に貢献している。